1. c64asm::opcodes
    Reference list of opcode information
  2. carelesswhisper::jfk
    Audio sample for testing
  3. emphatic::challenger
    Challenger o-ring dataset
  4. emphatic::sea_ice_area
    Monthly Southern Sea Ice Area over the last 40 years
    matrix|43 x 12
  5. emphatic::sydney_rain
    Monthly total rainfall in Centennial Park, Sydney, Australia
  6. fastpng::test_image
    Test images in various R formats
  7. isocubes::organic_coords
    Voxel coordinates for an organic shape
  8. isocubes::r_coords
    Voxel coordinates for a sphere
  9. isocubes::sphere_coords
    Voxel coordinates for a sphere
  10. nara::deer_sprites
    List of deer native rasters
  11. rbytecode::ops
    Information about all bytecode operators